

Cloud-based reporting platform with near-infinite scalability secures Homemate’s future growth

Cloud-Based Reporting Platform Build on Azure and Power BI

Cloud solution

Financial reporting

Real-time data insight


Azure SQL Database

Homemate ensures future growth and strong decisions with an adaptive and extensible cloud-based platform and constant data-insight.

Novataris has delivered an adaptive and extensible cloud-based platform that gathers data in real time and provides for visually stunning reporting. Attention to detail was prioritised, as was agile, flexible development with clear and open lines of communication, allowing for a comprehensive solution that Homemate will be able to use for years to come.

Homemate’s new reporting platform affords them a bevy of business benefits:

By combining different sources of data, ease of access and breadth of information is assured, allowing for greater business acumen and deeper performance analysis based on a myriad of metrics (shops, products, etc.).

The solution is fully scalable, allowing it to expand to meet the needs of their growing business, ensuring Homemate a cutting-edge platform that will remain sturdy and responsive throughout its lifecycle.

Homemate can more efficiently utilise their resources. Analysts can now directly apply their keen insight to report creation, instead of herding data, saving time and money better used for business expansion.

Financial reporting, previously done through manual data extraction, is now completely automated, freeing up the economics department to focus on growing the business, instead of calculating spreadsheets.

The new solution, built upon cloud-based technology, uses Azure Data Factory to extract data, Azure SQL Database to store and transform data, and Microsoft Power BI for data modelling and visualisation.

Due to its intuitive nature, Power BI places the power to create reports in the hands of Homemate’s own analysts, removing the need for specialised external resources. This infrastructure allows Homemate to keep costs down while maintaining the flexibility to scale, guaranteeing them a solution that will support their continued growth for years to come.

About Homemate:

Homemate is a Danish company that offer “ready-to-cook” food, simply requiring 15 minutes in the oven before it is transformed into a culinary delight made from the finest, freshest ingredients.

Through the growth of their business, Homemate has accrued a large amount of data in various formats from numerous sources. Manual analysis and reporting on this data had become overly cumbersome, requiring a solution that would automate data retrieval and storage, financial reporting, and yield a user-friendly platform on which to build additional reports.

The Challenge

Homemate wanted a capable, adaptive reporting solution that scales well.

The new solution should carefully maintain data integrity, simplify development, and provide an intuitive, powerful tool for further analytical use.

The Solution

Homemate now has a reporting solution built completely using cloud-based technology.

Data from e-commerce, payment transactions, and metadata are seamlessly combined and financial calculations carried out in real-time.

The intuitive nature of Power BI makes it easy for Homemate to develop new reports, based upon metrics spanning the entirety of the business.

The Value

The adaptive nature of the solution insures that Homemate can use it as a basis for making strong business decisions for many years.

With a cloud-based solution the need for costly infrastructure is eliminated.

New insight and analysis can be achieved at an unprecedented pace. Putting report creation in the hands of in-house analysts significantly increases Homemate’s development cadence.

Homemate Wanted to Optimise their Customer Journey and Strengthen their Organisational Process Using Business Intelligence

Due to the transactional nature of Homemate’s business, they had a large amount of data streaming in every day from different sources. A method was needed whereby these data could be made comparable and their collection automated, to provide an up-to-date model containing data covering all aspects of the business (e-commerce, payment transactions, metadata, etc.).

Additionally, such a model needed to contain
calculations for financial reporting, all the while ensuring that it remained intuitive and user-friendly.

"The adaptive nature of the solution insures that Homemate can use it as a basis for making strong business decisions for many years"


Better decisions based on facts and real-time insight

The need for costly infrastructures is eliminated

Significantly increased possibilities for business development